Global Warming Organization. Today, to prevent global warming seems to be necessary today. It is time we felt the impact of industrialization on the planet. It is not difficult to see that the phenomenon of global warming and climate change in the world. Great masses of ice that originally adorned the north and south poles melt at very high speeds. This shows warming affects us as the water level will increase dramatically. The melting ice also leads to changes in climatic conditions in all parts of the world. This will have consequences, it is difficult for humans and animals.
You can prevent global warming, the consolidation of him. Regardless of what your house can be, but you can contribute to reforestation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon dioxide significantly. It may also help to cool the earth fell sharply. Global warming is the result of the use of fossil fuels such as gasoline, diesel and compressed natural gas, etc., with the production, there was an increase in vehicles, which enables faster global warming.
You can prevent global warming, you should use all available resources in mind. Providing a bit 'of water, fuel, electricity, etc. A person can make a big difference to our planet.
To prevent global warming, and there are many organizations that are active, so they the world's forests to increase. The woods have always been a good alternative and constructive solution to the problem of global warming. It is true that the massacre of tropical forests and rainforests in the world to meet the demand for wood and paper, and this is due to deforestation. A simple solution to this problem is to replant the trees they cut, and normal growth. This has worked green trees in tropical forests and the lungs to the world for centuries. Decreases the rate of these forests in a catastrophe of global warming. Global Warming Organization Article.
Many governments around the world to act and enforce laws that help produce the greenhouse gas emissions and the world a better place for our children. However, these laws require time to implement them. Until then, it seems, in fact all
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